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MemCachier analytics

Our analytics dashboard is a simple tool that gives you more insight into how you’re using memcache. Here’s a screenshot of the dashboard:

Analytics dashboard

To access your application’s analytics dashboard login to your account and view one of your caches.

The analytics displayed are:

  • Limit – Your current cache size and memory limit. Once usage comes close to this amount you will start seeing evictions.
  • Live Connections – Number of connections currently open to your cache.
  • Total connections – Number of connections ever made to your cache. (So always larger than live connections).
  • Items – Number of items currently stored in your cache.
  • Evictions – Number of items ever evicted from your cache due to memory pressure. Items are evicted in an LRU order.
  • New Evictions – Number of evictions that have occured since the last time we sampled your cache.
  • Hit Rate – The ratio of get commands that return an item (hit) vs. the number that return nothing (miss). This ratio is for the period between now and when we last sampled your cache.
  • Set Cmds – Number of times you have ever performed a set command.
  • Flush Cmds – Number of times you have ever performned a flush command.

With the basic analytics dashboard we sample your cache once per hour. With the advance dashboard we sample it once every 30 minutes.

Advanced analytics

We offer higher paying customers an advance version of our analytics dashboard. Currently, this offers two primary advantages:

  • Higher Sample Rate – We sample the cache for collecting analytics once every thirty minutes, twice the rate of the basic analytics dashboard. We don’t sample more often than that as a higher granularity hasn’t proven to be useful, it leads to more noise and less signal.
  • More Graphs – We offer two additional graphs for the advanced analytics dashboard.
    • Eviction Graph – Your new evictions tracked over time.
    • Connection Graph – Your new connecions tracked over time.

Please note that our graph only allows two data sources to be selected at a time. So if two are already selected, say “Usage” and “Hit Rate”, to select a different data source, say “Evictions”, you’ll need to deselect an existing data source first before selecting the new one to display.